My Shortfilm Work in Progress

January 9, 2008 at 8:18 pm (Uncategorized)

Hi guys,

This is the shortfilm I did for AM final quarter. Had Kevin Koch ( as my mentor and it was a blessing. Learnt so much from him that I cannot thank him enough for being such an awesome awesome mentor.

This is currently seriously in the WIP stage. Still needs polishing on the shots. one of the shots needs animation. Then there is texturing, lighting and rendering and so on. But for 3 months of work, I am really proud of where it is. I am going to work on it and bring it to fruition in the very near future. As always, any comments and crits are welcome. The story called for a lot of internal thought, and I went the subtlety route as I wanted to learn that super uber acting that pixar guys do. So, i went the super subtle style of animation in this short, and i feel that there are glimpses of “life” here and there in it. Im gonna try and improve it as a whole by adding and pushing things a lil bit, but im not going to change the structure much as I like it the way it is. The flashback shot is in blocking. I need to work on the last shot where he throws the fake smile away, that part is still in blocking. I have music selected. will add music to this too, which really adds to the mood of it. Anyways, here you go! And oh.. the photographs you see on the mirror in the shortfilm, all of them will be different from each other.. so never mind all of them looking same.

I asked my Class 6 Mentor Kevin Koch some questions on his blog regarding shortfilms and sincerity and clarity and other stuff. He was kind enough to answer each of my questions. Check out his blog

and the post :

Here is my shortfilm SMILE :

And here is a cut with tentative music.. the animation in this is slightly older version, but its edited to music. The title card and credits are temporary.

Cheers! And happy New year!



  1. Mahesh said,

    So finally u updated u Blog Sir….Gud Gud
    Nice Shot film Sir…..

    Mahesh Bisht

  2. chakri said,

    ur short film is heart touching dude…really really i like it very much.
    …….happy sankranthi….

  3. hemendra said,

    excellent sir. really liked. hope to see u soon. bye tc and god belss u.

  4. Juby said,

    Hi Dj,
    Nice I like it.
    This is your Apt Collegue


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