Week 2 Assignments!

February 18, 2007 at 5:21 pm (Animation, Blogroll)

Hi guys!

This week has been great. I am learning a lot. A lot of trials and errors makes for better understanding, IMO. This is what happened to me with the file that the sack hops towards the cam. Initially, I did each hop for 5 frames, but it felt slow.. That made me do it in 4 frames and it seems fine now. But I am not too satisfied with it.. I dont know, but something feels amiss. This is what I look forward to see what keith would say.

Anyhooooo… heres the files..

The dive board :
board dive

The cam hop :
hop towards cam

Couldnt find time to do the corrections to last week’s shots. Hope to do that this week. Anyways… thanks for the cool crits last week! Looking forward for more!



  1. Roshan said,

    good! actually, fantastic! love to see it after u smooth the graphs out 🙂

  2. Amrit Derhgawen said,

    Pretty nice DJ… Fun stuff!! You know what, I’ve never played with a flour sack…and now I’m planning to work on them. Looks fun!


  3. olive said,



    I was watching all your videos and yeah… there is some awesome stuff going on.

    I loved you video about simplified drawings for animation. I am working on that a lot those days and with my new tablet pc it is even better!


  4. dwarakanath said,


    thanks for the kind words..

    which tabPC did you take? I mean, which make? I was thinking of taking it but now, I am out of the game. I am back in AM and that means.. money!!

    Neways… good that you are kicking butt too.. will check out ur blog now…


  5. Olivier Ladeuix said,

    I bought a second hand HP 4200. Great tablet. and I got it for nearly half price, battery last nearly 3 hours in drawing mode.


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